At GoBiz, we’re here to spark your entrepreneurial spirit!
With fresh ideas, handy resources, and a team of cheerleaders by your side, we help turn your business dreams into beautiful realities.
Ready to make things happen? Let’s do it Logether!

At The Caffeinated Canvas, every stroke is brewed with care in each coffee paintings, and every piece tells a story. Our art is more than visuals; it’s an experience—expressive, meaningful, and crafted entirely with the richness of coffee.

PolioSafe is a global initiative committed to the eradication of polio and the protection of communities worldwide. Our work focuses on providing resources, educating communities, and supporting vaccination programs to stop polio in its tracks. Together, we can create a future free from the threat of this devastating disease.

We are dedicated to helping you understand, manage, and improve your digestive health. Whether you’re dealing with occasional discomfort, chronic conditions like IBS or acid reflux, or simply seeking ways to optimize your gut health, we provide expert advice, practical tips, and evidence-based resources to guide you on your journey to a healthier stomach.

AVERO is a distinctive clothing brand that masterfully blends vintage flair with unique, modern twists. Dedicated to craftsmanship, AVERO specializes in designing and manufacturing premium quality garments that stand out from the ordinary. With a passion for reviving classic styles and pushing fashion boundaries, AVERO offers an exclusive wardrobe experience for those seeking one-of-a-kind, high-end clothing.Build with fire.